To help with the shortcuts I might write in my blog when it comes to TTC stuff. Some people may be confused by the lingo!
2ww or TWW: two week wait (luteal phase, 14 days after ovulation)
AF: Aunt Flo (menstruation, period)
AH: assisted hatching
ASYLUM: TTC asylum. Need to check in?
BBT: basal body temperature
BD: baby dance (sex)
BDP: baby dancing partner
BF: breastfeeding
BM: breast milk or bowel movement
BFN: big fat negative (pregnancy test result)
BFP: big fat positive (pregnancy test result)
CB: cycle buddy (same cycle day as you!)
CD: cycle day
CL: corpus luteum
CM: cervical mucus
CP: cervical position
DPO: days past ovulation
DTD: doing the dance (BD, sex)
DUST: alumnae sprinkle PG Dust~*~*~*~ on TTCers
EC: embryo cryo/freezing
EDD: estimated due date
EPO: evening primrose oil
ER: egg retrieval
ET: egg transfer (can be used as 5DPET, to mean 5 days past egg transfer)
EWCM: egg-white cervical mucus
hCG: human chorionic gonadotropin (detected in home pregnancy tests )
H&H: happy and healthy
HPT: home pregnancy test
HSG: hysterosalpingogram (X-ray test)
ICSI: intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (microfertilization)
IPP: Infertility Protection Project
IUI: intrauterine insemination
IVF: in vitro fertilization
LH: luteinizing hormone (detected in ovulation predictor kits)
LP: luteal phase, days between OV and AF
MC: miscarriage
O or OV: ovulation
OPK: ovulation predictor kit
OT or Train: obsession train.
PG: pregnancy, pregnant
PNV: prenatal vitamin
POAS: pee on a stick (home pregnancy test)
RE: reproductive endocrinologist (doctor who specializes in fertility problems)
ROBI: Robitussin or guaifenesin syrup (expectorant) used to thin cervical mucus
SA: semen analysis
SOD: sex on demand
TR: tubal reversal
TTC: trying to conceive
VR: vasectomy reversal
YI: yeast infection