Wednesday, August 15, 2012

6dp5dt - less than a week til blood test

I am 6 days past 5 day transfer and the blood test is coming up soon - thankfully. My time has been spent prepping for the school year which has kept me busy and therefore I am not really thinking about all the waiting.

We found out yesterday that they were able to freeze 4 embryos - which is amazing!! We have never had even one to freeze before so to get the news for 4 is shocking. My RE is very careful about watching them to make sure that they have the best chance of surviving cryopreservation.

This is the best news because we can try 4 more times before having to start over with all the shots again!! I nearly cried at that phone call - not going to lie about that. It was such a relief!

Today has been interesting so far: I have not felt great, nearly threw up in the shower and had to walk out of a store due to the smell of bread baking. I am not normally really sensitive to smells - the last time I had this, we are pretty sure I became pregnant but then lost it since my blood work was still pretty high in levels but was falling fast. While its encouraging, it threw me for a loop because it was so strong so fast! I am struggling not to put too much stock in any of it though because I don't want the let down.

Only a few days to go!


  1. Ooooooh! I remember complaining about my ovaries hurting, and Squeeze was complaining because I slept for two consecutive weekends. The third weekend, Friday night, I went to bed at 8:30. At 6 a.m. on Saturday I had a positive test. It definitely explained my exhaustion, cramping, and soreness up top. The food/smell aversion came later! :) Keeping the faith, girlfriend! xo

  2. Congrats on the 4 embryos to freeze!

    The not feeling well is really promising sounding! I was surprised at how soon I started feeling sick. It was within days of implantation. You are essentially 11dpo so right on for implantation to have occurred and the hCG to be in your system! FX'd extra tight for you!

  3. I'm so glad you were able to freeze 4 embryos! Hope you won't need to use them until you're ready for another and that this pregnancy takes! Crossing everything for you!

  4. Congrats on the snow babies! That's HUGE!!! I'm thinking about you and anxious to hear. Prayers and warm thoughts are being sent your way. Good luck with the new school year!!!

  5. waiting to hear news....fingers crossed for you guys
