Michelle and I took a road trip to the hometown this past week so they could all see the little Mason man. He did great on the nearly 6 hour car trip, slept most of the time.
As we were driving and chatting, I realized that Michelle and I have many things in common. We each were married before and have now found true happiness in our lives. We each have struggled with the act of having a baby - she struggled for year and had miscarriages along the way, we are knee deep in the trials and heartaches of TTC ourselves. We have known each other since we were in elementary school, but I never realized how much I now value her friendship.
Heading home is strange. I don't make it home often anymore, I don't have much reason to go and driving through town reminds me of all the things that have passed in my life. We drove past everything and it was a time warp trip! It's so strange to see how many things change and how many things are exactly the same as they have been for more than a decade. I realized how glad I was to get out of this area though, too many ghosts of past lives for me. I saw places that reminded me of bad times in my life and how grateful I am that I don't have to drive past these all the time. There are things I have shut the door on and I am not going back again.
I found out again while here that we are onto the next month of trying. When is it our turn?
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